Crossxnails®: The Story Behind the Logo That Inspires Hope, Faith, and Redemption
The logo of Crossxnails®—two nails crossed—represents more than just the name of the brand. It symbolizes an event that took place over 2,000 years ago: the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus was sentenced to death by His own people, accused of crimes He didn’t commit. Despite His innocence, He willingly endured the cross. But the story didn’t end there—three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever.
This moment in history is deeply significant to the founder, Ralph Mendoza. For him, it’s the most impactful event the world has ever seen. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, salvation and eternal life were made available to everyone. This sacrifice has brought hope, healing, restoration, and peace to countless lives throughout history. It’s a powerful reminder of God’s love and grace.
When people see the Crossxnails® logo, the founder hopes they’re reminded of this truth: no matter how far you feel you’ve drifted from God, His love for you hasn’t changed. Salvation is not something you can lose—it’s a gift that Jesus secured forever. While we all face struggles and make mistakes, God’s forgiveness is greater than any sin. He doesn’t condemn; instead, He offers us the chance to walk with Him, to live with purpose, and to find true freedom and peace.
This brand exists to encourage and inspire. It’s a reminder that you’re never alone—God is always by your side, ready to help you through whatever you face. His love is unshakable, and nothing can take it away from you. So as you continue your journey, know that there’s always hope, healing, and a way forward—with Him.